Hello, I am open to any suggestions, so feel free to not sugar coat anything. I am a 25 year old male 5'11 280. I play alot of sports and go to the gym. I am having trouble with getting a gf, I go out on dates from online dating and always it feels like its going well for a week or so after the date and then I just cant keep anything going. There is always some excuse from women that I can tell is BS, I wish they would just tell me the truth. I am a good hearted person, I am polite, opening doors, paying for things, complimenting, yet I dont have a girlfriend. I am a bit negative at times, but even when I spending time being positive, it still doesnt go well and then I turn into the rotten negative guy again. I dont or never have had consistent friends, they always float away. I want to just have a gf that does things and has fun with me, not to mention Ive been in a dry spell of no sex for almost a year. Its gotta be some sort of energy I am putting off, I am getting frustrated to the point where prostitution is becoming an option. I am in AA and I guess you could say "recovering alcoholic". The reason I got in trouble with alocohol were these same reasons, lack of social skills, kicking myself when I dont ask a women out and such. I have trouble socializing not only with women, but even with famiyl Ive known my entire life, I zone out, I say negative things when I feel like I am rejected by a group, etc.. If you could tell by the way I write that there is something I need to fix (personality wise) please let me know... Please help. Thanks