Thats not love its just a dream you had. You went to gym to dont see her and it was the right decision. Should have stay there and now wouldnt think about her so much. Anyway thinking about her will rob you from oportunity to see allk the othe cool girls around you right now. In the end you get excatly as much love as you gave and reward was equal to the risk taken. Same goes with other girls - you feel attachet only after you invest your time in them. You cousinn was the girl you spend most time with so thats why you have these feelings, cause before you where lonely in this particular way but didnt knew it. Anyway you wanted sex from her since very begining but hesitated and thats when these gay feelings like love started to kick in making you a complete vegetable unable to even say Bye to her. These protective feelings like - shes younger dont wana hurt her beautiful heart bla bla bla. These are actually more like father figure feelings not the lover feelings. She didnt need a father and you didnt need a dauther. Your first thought about having sex with her was right. First thaught is always best cause it come from first heartbeat and if you follow you heart then biggest things are achievable.
So bottom line is forget her. Once you meet beautiful girl go straight on her and previous fail will give you courage and expierience not to fail with this one.
Till then stick with gym until you forget cousin or meet another chick. Its really best you can do - be busy and dont miss what you never had.
Last edited by pcmaster; 10-08-13 at 04:54 PM.
Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will