there's this group of 5 gurls who came to my place(not my home but the state I'm staying) from overseas. 1 of these gurls is my buddy's childhood friend,so i made a pact with my friend to show them around the places.
They came here for 10 days. of coz during my time with 'em, I made a great impressions with em. I flirted with 'em, made fun of 'em, busted their balls etc.
on the last day though, they decided to treat those who show them around town lunch@dinner. unfortunately, I couldn't make it bcoz i was exhausted coming back home from a trip.
on their final night, they rang me up at 1 am when I was sleeping. they rang me to wish me goodbye and wish to meet me again and all that stuff. they called using 1 of my gurlfren's(N) hp, whom I suspect had a thing for me.
1 of the reasons Y i don't want to take on their treat is I don't want to upset N, bcoz she's kinda shy unlike the 5 galz. but, i never expect these galz would give me a g'bye call, plus using N's hp. (they stayed at N's place during their stay here)
the Qs are: 1) did my ways work? did I bust these gurls balls the way it should be, until they gave me a g'bye call & stuff?
2) what would have happen to N? did I overdo my flirtiness to those gurls that I might have upset N? how to undo it?