I've known this girl for as long as I could remember. We started talking on AIM and we pretty much talk nonstop. We text each other every now and then.
We were texting today and I told her I had to get ready for a football game and she said text me the score. Does that mean she wanted me to text her to talk to her or text her just for the score? We did end up texting each other for a while but j/w about some thoughts.
While we were talking we had plans to go the movies with a group of friends but that didn't happen. She texted me a smile face saying she wanted to go tommorow. I don't know if she meant with a big group of people of with just a couple people because everyone thought that I wasn't gonna go so the went without us.
and just in general how would I know if this girl is interested in me? btw she's a good friend of my sister's so it makes it kind of awkward..