Me and my girlfriend just finished having a phone conversation and she was telling me she had been thinking and had some negative thoughts about our future together.
We've been together for quite a while and she said she feels that a part of her thinks I will fall in love with someone else and that I will leave her heartbroken or I will just leave. She said she realises and believes how I feel about her and what I say, but she can't help feeling like it and it kinda puts her in these moods.
We were together for about a year and a half and the last year and a bit has been long distance with us seeing each other every 2 months for a few weeks at a time. She is moving back next February for good so we will be back to normal.
But what I'm wondering is that is it normal for her to feel this way? Is it normal to have doubts about our future?
It's just I have never even thought of the fact she would leave me or anything along those lines, I haven't thought that our relationship could end. I would do and give anything to stay with this girl for the rest of my life.
I'm probably just worrying about nothing but I just need some answers from other on what they think about it. Thank you