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Thread: She's really confusing me!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    She's really confusing me!

    My roommate and I share a mutual attraction for each other. We've never really admitted anything to each other but she's told me I'm really good looking, and I the same to her..

    We also do just about everything together. If I go clothes shopping or go out to get some food, she'll always want to come with me, and it's the same with me. I always go with her. Whenever she cooks, she always cooks for me, and I always tell her that she doesn't have to. She even dishes food up for me. Another thing I thought was really cute was, I was watching TV one night and I said something about being cold so, she brought a quilt from her room and layed it on me. She sprayed her purfume on it before she gave it to me.. And then the next day, she put it on my bed for me. Also, she's told me alot about her past and relationships both sexual and non. She also goes out on dates with people but she always assures me that the dates are just casual, and don't mean anything..

    But on the darker side, she's a real tease. But I can't figure out if its a good thing, or a bad thing.. For example, she generally undresses with the door open, with her back facing the hall way, she prances around in revealing clothing with no bra, she gets her face within inches of mine and gazes into my eyes.. She also has a crush on this guy who is coming back from Hawaii in a few months. He sends her cute text messages in which, she'll occasionally show them to me, but it comes off in a "hey I want to see your reaction to this" kind of way..

    She does things that scream "I want to start a relationship!" but, I am in an awkward position. I kind of get the feeling she wants me to kiss her or something but, if I do kiss her, and that's not what she wants, that will make things slightly awkward. What should I do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    It could also just mean that she's an attention whore.

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