Hello! I am badly in need of advice. I have a huge problem.
(aren't all love problems huge?)
Anyway, I meet a girl on an online dating site, who I seem to have a lot in with, but I don't contact her right away, there is also pic in which she looks fairly cute. Within two days she has contacted me, and we share a few E-mails. Then we end up talking for hours and hours on the phone, over a period of a week or so sharing our deepest feelings, and experiences. We decide we want to meet immediately, and Mentally I don't think I've ever been more in tune with anyone before (including my Ex wife.)
So I drive out to meet her, and here's where the problem starts. I've always had a problem with heavier girls, and she has more than a few extra pounds, but I'm determined not to be shallow, because I feel we are sharing a genuine connection, and we have so much in common. In short we end up hanging out, then making out, then well you can probably guess...
The problem I have is that I'm just not physically attracted to her. Mentally she is all I could ever hope for from a girlfriend. I want so badly for it not to matter, I'm hoping in time I can get over it, but the problem with that is if I can't, then I could end up causing her a lot of pain later, and I really don't want that. The problem with telling her now is that we've already had sex, so she's going to think I'm making some lame excuse, and I care too much about her at this point. I WANT it to work out!
I guess my question is do you think a relationship can succeed based almost solely on mental attraction?
Is a need for physical attraction shallow, or actually valid?
I know I'm an idiot already so no need to tell me....