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Thread: Gf Got a Tattoo--I hate it

  1. #1
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    Gf Got a Tattoo--I hate it

    My girlfriend got a tattoo just recently and I can't stand it. She was excited about showing it to me after she got it and i looked at it for a few seconds and it made me cringe. She asked how it was, and I was nice by saying they did a good job, but then she asked how it looked on her and I had to say that I told her I didn't like tattoos and left it at that. This didn't upset her, which is good. But I've been pissed about it the past 2 days and she keeps talking about it and it just drives me up a wall to hear about it. I know I'll get used to it in time, but right now it bothers me. The other thing is I was so angry the whole night, and maybe I hide it well, but I gave her no hugs and kisses and was generally shutting her out because I was angry. She seemed completely unreceptive of this which also bothered me because she was trying to make some moves. Can anyone share a similar experience or provide advice on how to deal with this situation?


  2. #2
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    Is her tattoo on your body? Do you think her body is your body? Get over it and quit acting like the boss of her.

  3. #3
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    Personally I really like tasteful tattoos on women, I think they're very sexy as long as they don't say 'PROPERTY OF HELLS ANGELS' on their butt. (Nothing against the Angels but still...)

    Just please don't ever do what my ex and I did. Tattoo 'X and X forever' (our initials) on your shoulder.

    Belly-button piercings and toe-rings are a little bit of a turn-off for me but it seems to be the style now, I can live with it, no big deal.

    But that's just me.
    Last edited by blackiesharley; 08-06-06 at 10:54 PM.

  4. #4
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    No need to get defensive here. Of course it's her body and she can do what she wants. But that will never change my personal preferences or opinions. If I don't like tattoos on women, I don't like them. Simple as that. And I will get over it, and I will get used to it. Was just looking for some help here, not criticism on my opinions.


    See I don't mind piercings nearly as much as tattoos, not sure why. My ex had her eyebrow, nose, and nipple pierced. Of course I was younger back then, but I still didn't mind them as much as tattoos. It's just a personal preference I guess...just seems unattractive to me.

  5. #5
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    I'm not criticizing your opinions- I'm criticizing your actions. You're cutting her off from your affection because she got a tattoo- that's cold! Tattooed girls need lovin' too.

  6. #6
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    I understand. But if it's something that bothers me I think I'm allowed to be upset the one day immediately following when she got the tattoo. I will get used to it and I will not shut her out from affection permanently. But if I'm upset about something I'm not going to provide artificial affection and act like everything is ok. That's one reason I came on here in the first place, to get some peace of mind to help me cope so that I can resume providing the affection! lol

  7. #7
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    I assume there's still quite a lot of un-tarnished flesh you could explore...

    I think it's a little weird that she got a tattoo without mentioning she was going to do it. Was it a spur-of-the-moment thing? Was she drunk, or what?

  8. #8
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    No she talked about it several times. I told her that I don't like tattoos. I was actually expecting it to be smaller; it's on her back on the side...slightly bigger than the size of a tennis ball. Yuck...so unattractive. She didn't really seem to be too interested in my opinion though. Was gonna do it no matter what. Which is understandable cause we've only known each other for 2 months.

  9. #9
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    I must admit that I also am not a fan of tattoos. I have noticed that people tend to get addicted to them, too. My best friend has three, and she's thinking about getting another one.

    It's actually one of my dealbreakers- a guy could be really great, but if he's got tattoos down to his fingers, he can forget it.

    What are you going to do if she gets more? Besides get all grumpy, I mean.

  10. #10
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    I look at the tattoo thing as a personal preference no different than weight preferences, or height preferences, etc. I guess you will have to decide if you are so offended by tattoos that you are willing to stop dating her, particularly if she really likes them and starts going for more of them.

    For the record, I am not a fan of tattoos, either. I generally feel that because so many people are strongly turned off by them, I don't advise getting them. It is hard enough to find true love without alienating a sizeable number of people over something so unnecessary. But that's just me.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  11. #11
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    Ha ha funny lol. Well last night she was talking about how people say they are addictive and that that was the only one she is every going to get...I said "I hope to God it is." I just think the thing that really bothers me is how little she cared about my opinion. I told her several times I dont like tattoos, yet right after she got it she said she couldn't wait to show me. I just couldn't imagine doing something to my body that she hated and hearing her say that she doesn't like it at all and not giving a damn. It's like "hey hon I wanna shave my head"..."oh i hate when guys have a shaved head"...next day...."hey hon i shaved my head...can't wait to show you"...ya know?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Holliper
    I just think the thing that really bothers me is how little she cared about my opinion. I told her several times I dont like tattoos, yet right after she got it she said she couldn't wait to show me.
    Yeah, that might be something to watch. I mean, if you are in the habit of being a little too controlling, I can see why she's want to rub your nose in it. But if she's just wanted one forever and finally got one, she could have been a bit more sensitive when showing you. HOw old are you guys?
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by vashti
    Yeah, that might be something to watch. I mean, if you are in the habit of being a little too controlling, I can see why she's want to rub your nose in it. But if she's just wanted one forever and finally got one, she could have been a bit more sensitive when showing you. HOw old are you guys?
    I am not in the habit of being controlling, but her ex was, very much so. So I can see how this will relate to that a bit. But she has to realize that I am not her ex. I am a different person. She isn't rubbing my nose in it at all, it's something she said she's wanted to do for a while.

    She is 21 and I am 24. I felt she was mature, but things like that suggest otherwise...

  14. #14
    vashti's Avatar
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    Well, ultimately it is her body, and she is allowed to do with is what she likes. It has only been a couple of months that you've been seeing her - long enough for a vote, but not for veto power.

    You have to decide whether or not you are going to date tattooed girls.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  15. #15
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    I totally agree with you. Problem is, and I KNEW this might be a problem, she asked me to go to Florida with her after we knew each other for a month. Bad idea.

    I can definitely date them. It would have been different if she had the tattoo before I met her. It would have been unattractive, but I dont think it would have stopped me from dating her. I would immediately gotten used to that bit of unattractiveness, rather than getting use to her beautiful, natuyal back, then having it ruined with a tattoo later on...

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