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Thread: I'm confused

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    I'm confused

    Ok, lets flash back about year ago. My friend I were both going out with girls, both of which were best friends. As it goes, it never worked out in mine. Nothing wrong with her, just a cheating ****. My friend, well, cheated on his girl, constantly. I mean, I told him I couldn't believe how he could waste such a great girl. (Which I've know quite a few years) They eventually broke up due to it. Flash back to the future, I come to a small get together, where, guess who happens to be there. We talk most of the night, I talk about how my friend likes her again. She goes on telling me, she doesn't like him. After a few drinks, I go to lay down in a room. She walks in closes the door. We talked a lot, kissed and that was the night. After that, we have been talking a lot but it feels weird. I mean, her friend tells me she talks about me a lot, but just seems she may have feelings for my friend still. I want to make a move but don't want to scare her away. Forgot to mention she isn't looking for a relationship, which wouldn't make sense since everytime I see her, we hug and kiss. I'm completly lost and not only that, my friend hates me to death. Not that it bothers me much, since it wasn't a great friendship, but still the fact, am I getting played for other motives of hers? Or does it seem she may actually have feelings for me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    be careful. I think this might b a trick. Maybe, just maybe

    I AM B-A-C-K!!!!!!!! WANNA MAKE OUT?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    i hate people that play head games.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    me too, sometimes they find it funny to hurt and play around with other's feeling

    I AM B-A-C-K!!!!!!!! WANNA MAKE OUT?

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