I dated this girl for a few months and she said she loved me a couple of different times and I said it back to her. After the second time she said it she started to become distant and eventually disappeared. She came back after a few weeks and wanted to see me again. I asked her what happened to her and she said she goes hot and cold because she's been dumped before and doesn't want to go through that again. She was married a couple of years ago and her husband cheated on her shotrly after they were married. We saw each other a few more times and she started to become distant again. Now I'm not sure if I'll ever see her again...strange.
I feel like I'm moving on but it got me thinking about when people say I love you to each other. I've only said it to 3 people in my lifetime and I'm in my thirties. It's a big deal when I say it to someone and can't imagine just disappearing. Do you think some people don't vaule those words as much as others?