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at least have the decency to do it in person. But definitely leave him. You deserve someone who actually cares about and respects you.
Op; You say he always twist and turns things on you so why would you put yourself in that position again by breaking up with him in person? Doing that is not in YOUR best interests so don't do it. As polite and politically correct that would be, this douche has lost his right to get any further decency and kindness from you.
Just text him: "Since it's obvious that this relationship has run it's course and we've already broken up without saying the actual words.. I'm getting my closure by telling you it's over. Be well." Then do not respond to him again. If you have a habit of letting him keep you around to abuse and use then you'd be best off going zero contact so he can't swindle you into anything further.
Know without a doubt that you're doing the best thing for yourself by ending this and going zero contact because without a doubt you are.
“The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion