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Thread: How to just continue the relationship?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    How to just continue the relationship?

    I met this guy at gym, we started talking, he always makes me laugh or makes fun of me when were together and he seems interested but he likes when i make the first move and he is realllly respectful and maybe a little shy!! and then we went to the movies, after he came swimming at my place and we were laying on the ground and he was just next to me, his face in front of my face and we were joking and then our lips were close and we just kissed and after we laughed and he would put his arm around me but we never talked about if we were together. Should I talk to him about it or let him talk to me? Because we didn't speak of this kiss.. i dont want him to think i am too forward or just mess it up you know !

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Why do you have to have immediate confirmation about as something simple as a kiss? You are over analyzing and ya you will ruin things by dwelling on it. Just let things happen.....it may or may not go in the direction of a relationship. That is what dating is all about....you go out a few times to see if there are feelings developing or not. If he wants to keep seeing you that should be a good enough indication that it's going somewhere. Go with the flow and just enjoy your time together and stop putting the pressure the situation. It takes the fun out of it.

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