Aplogies but this is long.
So Ron and I have been really great throughout 1.5 semesters in college. We weren't best friends but we were really good friends and he wasn't close to any other girl on campus but me. He's a shy nerdy guy. We both are highly academic people but he's nerdier than me. So we both got really close to each and we were attracted to each other too. He took me to late night dinners,long walks,his favorite concert and he was my ball date for the masquerade on my birthday. We didn't spend too much time on a regular or frequent basis but when we did we would try spending as much as we could and sometimes we would spend 6-8hrs at a stretch during holidays. All of this started mid august last year (when our college reopened) and it was great until april this year. We had an amazing time during our ball date.We hugged and he initiated us to hold hands while walking back home,he treated me dinner in a cafe and so much more.However,I felt like something had changed after the ball date.
One of these guys from my class asked me out and I told Ron about it.He asked me what would I answer to this guy,so I said , "I think I'll tell him the truth that I like someone." Ron grew all pale and super weird.I acted stupid that night by teasing him saying that I'm the only girl he talks to and he got all defensive. He slowly got even more distant each day.2 weeks later,I realized that he seemed unhappy and depressed. I texted him saying "Ron! I have to tell you something important.We need to meet." He didn't reply but he was curious to know about it when we met 2 days later. I decided to tell him that i had feelings for him but he told me that he was depressed because of some monetory issue. Hearing this,I decided to tell some day later. One of my close guy friends just texted Ron saying, "hey,just thought you should know.I think Gia likes you." Ron didn't reply.He got even more distant 2 days later.He suddenly started avoiding me.I felt hurt and so I ignored him too but then he wouldn't like it.
We bumped into each other like a week later and he said,"Gia I know I have been acting bit weird and that's because I wanted space.This is what I realized during the spring break that I can't just stick to one person and I need to have more friends.We can be very good friends but I don't want you to wait for me after every class.You don't have to wait for me after every exam unless I ask you to.Please don't take it to heart but I just want to focus on academics." Extremely shocked.Extremely hurt.Then he asked "Are you ok?" I just smiled,said yes and walked off.Since then onward he would give me a guilty smile whenever we met. I wanted him to realize that we were definitely more than friends. I started to ignore him too. We didn't see each other for about a week and we had final exam a week later.We would always get dinner together after exam but I didn't expect anything this time. However,to my surprise,he came to me and asked me for dinner.I agreed but I saw one of our mutual guy friends dining alone so I asked him to join us.Ron got furious and he didn't even look at me throughout the dinner.However,he still came to me the next day after our last exam but I ignored him too much so he felt humiliated and joined other group of people.I realized I did a bit too much so I texted him asking how did his exam go but he didn't reply.Then we accidentally bumped into each other on the last day of college and he came to me,asked me about my summer plans and left.
Then we were online on fb and i messaged him 3 weeks later asking him about summer.The first thing he did was upload a new profile picture of him standing between two girls and his guy friends standing behind him.Then he replied me half an hour later and then i replied back and that was it. Then I messaged him 2 months later on fb (5days ago) and asked him "ssup!" He saw my text 3 hours later but replied me 9 hours later saying "nothing much.Just enjoying the last of summer." He didn't ask me about my summer or anything so I didn't reply back.College starts from tomorrow and he has reached campus too. I guess I'll get to see him tomorrow. I really don't know what to say or how to behave.I have a strong feeling that he would come talk to me (because he's very different when we meet in person) but I don't know what to say or do. I just want things to go back to being amazing,affectionate and romantic like before.Any suggestions highly appreciated.
Apologies for a long read.