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Thread: advice to give to a friend with a suicidal ex

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    advice to give to a friend with a suicidal ex

    hey guys, i know i shouldnt pry into other peoples problems. but like i really want to give this friend of mine some help.

    so the situation goes as so. my friend. he is 30 and his ex gf is 27. they have both been in a relationship for 4 years. the last 2 years, as i am told he feel out of love with her. so at the start of this year they both decided to go on a break from each other for 6 months. so she moved to her friends house for 6 months, then she would come back to him. and then they would settle it down. She still loves him, he doesnt love her. he broke up with her after the 6 months.

    now because the friend that she was staying in already has anew room, mate so she cant continue staying there. So, he offered for her to continue living with him. She's finding a new place, which will probably be secured until mid next year. so yeh, she has to stay there for a while. Now, like i said she still loves him. every night she cries herself to bed, and has barely had any sleep the last month and so. which is making him kinda upset too. she has also almost tried to kill herself as well, which is making my poor friend lose it as well.

    i told him, he honestly think she needs to keep away contact from him. seeing ur ex everyday, when u still love them, in my opinion isnt the best idea. She also rejects the idea of getting help. she hasnt told anyone about the break up yet. and she has no family living around the same area. My friend tells me she's getting better. when she cries everynight, she stops faster. and honest to god. to me that is not getting better.

    ahaha sorry i am quite nosey

    so what do you guys think of it!? :/

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by vieza88 View Post
    she has also almost tried to kill herself as well, which is making my poor friend lose it as well.
    How do you almost try to kill yourself? Anyways, she needs professional help and she needs to stay away from her ex. point blank.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Syracuse, NY
    He needs to stop thinking he is doing her a favor by being there for her. I would go as far as to say he is actually hurting her and keeping her in this rut she is in by giving in, saying yes to her and being there for her when he has fallen out of love with somebody that he doesn't even respect as a human being anymore. She is trying to exploit his "kindness" by using the "kill myself card" and all that.

    They need to be apart, he needs to put his foot down and be assertive and they need to see other people. She's getting a little old to be this completely helpless, pitiful human being without somebody. And he needs to move forward with his life as well.
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