I've been dating my current bf for the last 6months and going out together for the last 3months. We're both in our early 20's but I'm still a virgin and this is my first relationship but I haven't told him any of this. He's not a virgin and unlike me its not his first relationship either. I feel a strong connection with this guy, he's so nice and we get on great and I just feel so comfortable with him. But I'm fearful of telling him that I am a virgin and what his reaction may be - will he just run? I'm also fearful of him going back and telling his friends about this and them disucssing it but then again I cant exactly tell him not to talk about certain stuff with his friends.
So my questions to you are: in your won expereince how have guys reacted if/when you told them you were a virgin? Should I even tell him at all or just hope for the best that he dosnt find out if we ever have sex together? Also if some of you reccomend telling you, when exactly should I say it to him - me bring it up as a conversation talk sometime like when we're talking about ho we feel about each other?? or tell him prior to the possibility of intimacy (as in few days before I think I may be ready to have sex with him)?
Thanks for all your help and advice