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Thread: Think I need to end it-

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Think I need to end it-

    I am supposed to go over to his house Thursday and I think I have changed my mind. I am doubting his intentions and the future of this relationship. This is the third time around in the past year- the other two times ended in arguments. I have no idea why I even considered giving this another chance or why I spent the last two weekends at his place. He is divorced, has major commitment issues, and is in total denial about it. I'm pissed right now because I spend an entire weekend at his place and he can't even send me a text, or an email, or call me the next day?! Or am I being unreasonable to expect that?? Is that an unfair expectation and am I jumping the gun because things went bad before?!

    Right now, I feel like I should have never said I was coming over on Thursday- and I want to get out of it without being mean or obvious about the fact that I am even mad... I just don't think I want to give this a third try. He is going to do the same thing he did the first two times and I know I am going to regret it. (FYI- what he did before was pick stupid fights then decide he was not in the right frame of mind for a real relationship..then came back and said he was... then said he wasn't.. basically the whole push/pull thing). I want to keep the upper hand here because he hurt me before- I have finally gotten to the point where I don't care and I want to keep it that way! I am being stupid and allowing him to do this again. How do I get out of this Thursday and what do I do from here? I want to keep the upper hand and I want to continue to not care about dating him anymore. We have to see each other again- we have the same friends. I will see him again this weekend, it is unavoidable unless I give up my social life which is not an option.

    I'm pissed and basically this sucks! lol-

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    UK: England
    If you are not happy in this situation and feel that rather than going forwards it's moving backwards, then leave it.

    Why hang on and accept less than you want?

    I was in your situation a week ago. I could have stayed and let things continue or I could leave and start afresh.....and I chose to leave.

    I don't understand why people will remain in shitty situations?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Immediatly after I threw this fit and posted this, he texted. whatever- I still think he's a jerk and I'm not having it.

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