Basically you think she's 'out of your league'? I had a problem with this same issue of 'leagues' not too long ago. Basically I concluded that people are only out of another's league if the people in question believe so [for example, if you think she's out of your league [which you do seem to think] or if she thinks she's out of your league, or something]. I think it's a bit of a self-esteem issue. I believe you should try to just throw out this whole idea that people are out of your league [because you don't really know if THEY believe they are out of your league unless they tell you, right?]. If you keep thinking that you won't ever do anything and never find out if she'd ACTUALLY go out with you or not. So, I'd just try to stop thinking about that and take action... or try talking with her more, get more comfortable, flirt, etc. and see where it goes. I think if you want to try something, then you gotta go for it sometime. It's better than regretting.
If a dream comes true... then is it still a dream?