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Thread: Inviting her home

  1. #1
    Boy's Avatar
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    Inviting her home


    I'm new to these forums and hope to fit in well.

    I'm 23 yo and up until recently I never dated women because I was shy and lacking self-confidence.

    I got to know this girl almost a month ago and we've been dating since every weekend.
    In the end of each date, I kiss her cheek and hug her.
    I wanted to french kiss her but I was too shy initiating it.

    I want to invite her over to my home (I live with my folks) to watch a movie in my room, however I'm afraid we'd both feel awkward and not comfortable with lying together on the bed watching a movie, and therefore not enjoy the evening.

    Moreover, I'm not sure how close to her I should be during the movie.

    What do you think of this situation?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Could you invite her to have dinner with you and your parents? Maybe you'd feel more comfortable with her there if she knew people at your house.

    You'd better get on it, though. She's probably starting to wonder if you're gay.
    Spammer Spanker

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    Could you invite her to have dinner with you and your parents? Maybe you'd feel more comfortable with her there if she knew people at your house.

    You'd better get on it, though. She's probably starting to wonder if you're gay.
    Yeah, I agree hurry up and make a move before she thinks it isn't going anywhere and she goes somewhere!

    I dont know about dinner with parents idea though- that would definitely be moving the relationship to the next level and i would wait before I did that. Just invite her over and then you guys can converse w/ parents and then do you own thing. Do you have a sibling that lives at home?? If you have a young sibling, then maybe you guys could babysit. If you have an older one, you guys could all hang out. I think that would be better than jumping to dinner w/ the parents.

  4. #4
    Boy's Avatar
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    Thanks guys.

    I invited her over here to watch a movie and I think I'll just try to behave naturally, have fun together and enjoy the movie.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I think the french kiss making out is kinda something you don't wanna rush into until you are very comfortable with each other.
    Simple closed-mouth kiss is good to start. That should give her enough idea that you really like her, and want to be with her.
    Hold hands while you watch the movie. That's kinda my golden rule, and i think it's good stuff.

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