choose the correct answer:

1- the movie is about Indians and cowboys is probably ....(western,northern).

2- what is the first night of a movie called? (Limelight, premier ).

3- someone who goes to see a lot of movies is called a ....(filmgoer , filmgoing).

4- dangerous action shots like falling out of an airplane , or car crashes are known as (shooters, stunts).

5- documentary movies talking about real issues are often (hard- hitting, cold –telling).

6- the movie had a lot of dancing and singing. It was a (musical, melody).

7- what is the person who looks for new talent or actors called?( Looker, scout).

8- what is the art of motion-picture photography called? (Cinematography ,movitography ).

9- all the actors and actresses are called the (cast, players).

10- what does captured on film means ? taken (prisoner, photographed ).

ok thanks