Being a typical girl, I overanalyze everything, lol..
Actually, scientists think this is a function of brain wiring. Theory: Women have many more neural connections between cells, this allows them to manage many items on a list, multitask better, and think of many things at once. While men are better at focusing on one item at a time. If you ask a man to multi-task, don't be surprised if he fails. Example: if you talk to him while he's playing video games he may not remember what you said. You might be interested in these:
A tale of two brains, segment. Marc Gungor. [url=]A Tale of Two Brains - YouTube[/url] Hilarious! 13 minutes. **Watch this if nothing else.**
A tale of two brains, longer version. [url=]1 02 Tail of Two Brains 2 - YouTube[/url] Also hilarious and informative. 55 minutes.
Now to your question. I do know that MANY younger guys are terrible at follow up. Or he really might have used you. You really don't want to date a guy bad at follow up because that sends mixed messages.
So, call him and see if you can talk to him. Ask him if he's still interested in seeing you, without sex. I think you will get a better answer then.
Also, not all guys like to chase. Some really hate it. All guys are different, and never assume something about someone.
Last edited by bulrush; 08-11-14 at 04:53 AM.
I have a long time interest in psychology, specializing in relationship dynamics for 30 years.
(Please note, we give the best advice we can based on the information given in a post. For better advice, please include the age of all romantic partners.)