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Thread: I freaked him out... Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    I freaked him out... Help

    So im 25 and I met a 33 year old at a teachers conference. I have a daughter and im ending an abusive relationship. I told this teacher guy this and at first he was skeptical. But days went by and we talked every night and texted every day. We finally had our first date, held hands and cuddled.
    The next day my ex called and told me he wanted full custudy of my baby girl. This Ofcourse upset me and I told the teacher guy. He told me im probably not ready for a relationship and I need to take care of myself... Upset even more I ended up at his house the next morning uninvited... I did this twice that day and ofcourse officially freaked him out... He hasnt texted or called since. Our last conversation ended with "ill see u at our next teachers meeting" in hopes ill have better news for him. As a last attempt of desperation and vulnerability I asked him if he wanted to f****.

    I just want to apologize for my appalling irrational attitude... I dont know what to do.. Can you help me?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    No one here can help you... You're fk'd in the head.

    Get yourself squared away with your separation from your husband and then work on yourself with a therapist. You are an abusive mother at this point because it's clear that you are not "all there."

    Stop worrying about men for the time being, get yourself into ongoing therapy to help you with your emotional immaturity and do the right thing by your daughter. Stop being so bloody self-absorbed and desperate for male attention. You're in no place mentally to be a good partner to anyone.

    Harsh? Yes, but your actions as described in your opening post are as irrational as my post is harsh.
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    ^^ Bravo! Agree 100%.

    I just want to apologize for my appalling irrational attitude... I dont know what to do.. Can you help me?
    Absolutely! Leave teacher guy alone. He's out of your league, at least until you get your sh1t together. Suggest you begin by dropping the drama queen shows and focus on why you have so little self respect.

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