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Thread: Does he just not like me?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Does he just not like me?

    I used to comment on his Facebook and Twitter almost two months ago.

    He seemed to enjoy our chats, some times we'd chat all night even.

    But what I never got was that is was always me initiated chats, and commenting on his pages. He never looked at mine. But he always comments on other peoples status/posts. But those people never comment back to him.

    Anyway, we still chatted a lot.

    Then he took a month away, cause he got upset of being ignored by people there.

    Then he comes back, doesn't say a word to me, still comments to people who never comment back, still complains of being lonely.

    It really hurts, cause I think I have been the only one who ever talked to him there.

    We had lots of good convos. I thought I was a good friend, and it's like I don't exist to him.

    Why is he treating me that way?

    Does he expect me to always initiate the convo? Because I haven't said a word to him since he came back!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Can you call this individual? ...on a phone?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    You may be a good friend to him, but he's not a good friend to you. I can't tell you why he's not bothering with you, but I'd advise you to stick to friends who give back to you.
    Never regret anything that has happened in your life. It cannot be changed, forgotten or undone. So, take it as a lesson learned and move on.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Your Worst Nightmares
    I know this can be hard to realize, Belle, but it sounds to me like HE doesn't deserve YOU as a friend. My advice, personally, would be to stop contacting him and realize that you deserve better than that. Don't waste your time on somebody who can't be bothered to give you their time. You shouldn't have to convince somebody of your worth in their life. If they can't see it, then that is THEIR loss, not yours.

    He's whining about people not responding to him on Facebook, then yet he turns around and does the same exact thing to you that caused him to throw a temper tantrum when people did it to him? For the record, I can't speak for anybody else, but that is basically my experience with Facebook. People are selfish on Facebook (Hell, in life). I've found that MOST people on Facebook can post a million times a day, yet they never comment on other people's stuff and barely ever even respond if you comment on theirs.

    Anyway, my hatred of things like Facebook aside, he's b*tching about people doing this to him, yet he fails to see and appreciate the person who actually IS paying attention. So, I tell you what. To Hell with him. I say it is time you stop paying attention to him as well.

    I know how you feel. At first you thought you two seemed good friends. Trust me, I know how hard it can be not to long for that connection. I get why part of you wants to keep trying. The thing is, if he was a good friend he wouldn't be constantly making you feel like this. Don't get me wrong, sometimes friends aren't constantly in touch 24/7. I have some friends where we can go months without seeing each other and we understand that is just life sometimes. We can suddenly pick up the next day like we were never apart.

    But, it shouldn't be that you are always initiating contact. Furthermore, if and when you do, you shouldn't be constantly feeling like he is barely interested. So, forget it. You deserve a better class of friend.

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