I just wanted to throw this question out there and see what everyone has to say about this.

I am a male, 25. I dated a girl two years ago and we really hit it off. She's the same age as me and she has a child. Once I found out she had a child I could not see myself going to distance with our because of my goals in life would be hard to achieve with a child. So after about one year I broke it off.

Now fast forward to the present. It's been a year and we're still friends. We get along really well so we've been hanging out often throughout the past year. This girl in my opinion is the perfect girl for me and I would marry her in a heartbeat but the fact that she has a child has stopped me from doing this. I've recently been contemplating getting back with her but I'm not sure if I'm ready to live the settled life that comes with a child. The thing that makes this difficult is this girl is perfect for me and would be really hard to find someone else like her.

Any advise?