Hey ladies I just wanted to seek some advice. I recently broke up with my gf of 4 years or so and for 4 months we just talked and alot of things happened and it was as bad as her having a bf and denying it and wanting a future with me. Well I need some advice on whether I should wait for the right girl to come along because with my ex it was very random the way we met. I was on msn and someone added alot of people into a group conversation so that's how she added me and we just sparked from that time.
I mean i don't love her anymore i actually hate her for playing with me like that but should I be going out there and looking for a new girl or should I just wait until the right one comes along? It's hard to find out that the girl you spent 4 years with has moved on so quickly because of another guy and that she messed you up a couple of times and knowing this it keeps making me to want to talk to more girls because I have been really really hurt over these last 4 months and I still love my old ex because as far as im concerned she's dead to me so should I just wait for the right girl to come along and not involve myself in any relationships at this stage or should I be looking for a relationship?
Thankyou in advance