So, I'm a very quiet person who's pretty picky about the people I hang out with. Especially when it comes to relationships. In high school it seemed like I was never going to find someone who I really liked that actually liked me back. Somehow or another I've managed, in about four months to go almost the completely opposite way.
I'm about a month and a half into college and here's my situation. My first g/f and I broke up in May after 10 months together, which was really hard on me. As summer progressed I got over her and we're pretty good friends now. I went on one date with this other girl that I'd known for about a year (who's a junior in HS) near the end of summer and it was great, even ending up kissing. Not more than a week after that I met this other really great girl (also a junior in a different HS) and we spent an entire week together. First day of college I meet another girl and we are together everyday for three weeks. I tell her I really like her and she says she only wants to be friends for now b/c she just got out of a relationship but maybe we can be more down the road. To make matters even more confusing, there are two other girls here that I am really attracted to but haven't had the chance/courage to talk to yet. So... I've got two girls in HS who both like, one girl here who likes me but doesn't want a relationship (yet), and two more girls here who I'd like to talk to.
Maybe this sounds like a good thing to some of the guys out there but it is so not me. I've always been looking for a long term, serious relationship. Hence, the only g/f i've had lasting 10 months. What am I supposed to do now? Do I have to tell all the girls about all the other girls? Should I just pick one and hope it's the right choice? I'm so confused Please help.