problem with Friend
Ok so as most of you know My bf and I have mutual friends, all of them I knew way before I met him and vice versa. Most of them an average of about 6-7 years. Before I met my bf one of them I got really close with, him and his Ex-wife. I know his whole family very well as they are like my second family. Well several years ago this guy had told me he had feelings for me and that I was his perfect girl. I told him I loved him very much as my friend and that Nothing could ever happen between us because of him being married and that fact that I knew his wife for now 10 years. I was very attracted to him and if he had not been married well who knows if we would have gotten together or not. But we left things as they were and even though he would always flirt and be very protective things have been fine. My bf and him are very close and have been for several years which is kinda how I met my bf. Well saturday night I went out with him and his new girlfriend and all of our friends while my bf stayed home because he had to work ( he wanted me to get out since I haven't in awhile). I love this guy's new girlfriend she is so awesome and very very sweet. This guy just got divorced last year. So we get along pretty well and I had a really good time. Well everyone got completely wasted except for me and everyone went back to this guys' house afterwards ( 7 people) and we kept drinking for awhile.
But every time his girlfriend would leave the room this guy would come over to me and kiss me on my head or give me a hug and tell me I'm such a good friend and that he loves me. But he would also kiss and hug me in front of his girlfriend as well. I know all of our friends are very protective of me and I love that about them including him. But he's also very flirtatious with all woman. But saturday night he pulled me aside and told me that he would love to have the chance to sleep with me even though we both are very happy with our current partners and he can't help the fact that he cares for me so much. now, I told him again that it could never happen between us whether we were involved with someone or not because of our history and the fact that's he's my bf's best friend. He understood but I still can't help but think this isn't over with him.
He only does things like this when he gets really drunk and I know that. And I know I have done the right thing by telling him what I have. My worries are that he will never stop trying to pursue something that could never happen. I do really care about this guy, and he has been there for me for a lot of things and I don't want to lose him as a friend. My bf doesn't know about this because I didn't want to hurt him. I know I should be honest with him but this is his best friend and while best friends should not be doing that, in their younger years they both did this to each other all the time. So how would you handle this situation? I mean do you totally avoid him at all costs and not hang out with people just because he's there? Or do I just keep shooting him down if this comes up again?
If you can't handle the thorns, don't crave the rose!!