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Thread: Feeling drive me crazy, although i know is forbidden

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Feeling drive me crazy, although i know is forbidden

    Hi, i'm new here. Get to know this forum thorugh search engine. I have a complicated relationship problem, duno what i should do now, the only thing i know is my feeling towards this guy really make me crazy.

    The reason y i said is forbidden. I had a bf, we together for almost 2yrs (we stay together for 1yr). I only know my bf is part of my life, if i lose him i will feel life is seem not complete. I duno how much i "love" my bf, or did i love? i feel confuse....

    I met this guy in my uni (he is my lecturer). Single, 31yrs old, he is not that kind of charm guy and even got a bit of picky, however he share same kind of interest and taste with me. I like to chat with him, i feel enjoy when i listen to him. (sometimes, he did invite me go to his place and have some nice drinks which he prepare by himself) I nv can have this kind of feeling when i communicate with my bf.

    Sometimes, when we chat about my bf when i said something good which done by my bf he will reply very fast said i also can do this and that.... i duno is this consider nature respond

    And today i decide bake a cake for him, and he seem quite happy in the phone when he answer the phone. he drive to my house and give me a bag of chocolate when i passed the cake for him.

    Problems, we have quite a age different i not sure will he also like such a young gal? How can i know do he also have same kind of feeling towards me? Or he just treat me as a little gal or normal friend.

    I have a bf, and i not really wish to hurt my bf. However my mind is just keep on thinking about him and this kind of feeling realy torture me. What can i do?

    As a lecturer, he canot have any boy gal relationship with his students (he have a quite high pssition in uni). Which happend in my uni last time, one lecturer have affair with a student, at the end he being force to resign.

    If u are this guy, will u take a risk in this kind of situation? means try together with this gal?

    May be u will feel i'm so much unloyal to my bf and childish, but i really hope anyone can try suggest some good adviceuntil coz now i still struggling and duno what to do.


  2. #2
    vashti's Avatar
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    Stay away from the professor. This is (at best) only a schoolgirl crush. If your professor is really considering a relationship with you, it is inappropriate and he could be jeopardizing his career. If he is willing to do that for a young college girl, he is an idiot.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  3. #3
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    You feel like your life would be incomplete without your boyfriend?

    Grow up and get your own identity before you get in another relationship.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I know I may sound hypocrital here (I went out with my teacher befor as well) but I think Vashti is right. Its probably not a good ideal. There are serious reprocussions if he get caught and could lose his job.
    If both of you were seperated (like seperated from different classes indefintly or different universities) it may be a different matter.
    Last edited by Henry123; 28-08-06 at 05:43 AM.
    I want a girl who likes to talk. ......I just dont know what to say sometimes and would rather just listen.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Yeah... shame on you first of all for even thinking about cheating. There is no justification for that ever imo...

    You should cut things off as much as possible with this professor guy; if you are in one of his classes, just be a normal student and stay away from him once you're done; HE is being immature by kindling a relationship with a student, and YOU are being double stupid for going for it, ESPECIALLY since you have a boyfriend who expects you to be committed to him...

    I would call the prof guy asap and tell him you can't see him again, then find your bf and tell him what has been going on. He deserves to know.

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