Alright. So here's my situation:
My boyfriend and I broke up three nights ago, and I suppose beforehand I knew it was coming. I, of course, didn't realize the impact it would have upon me, but that's besides the point right this second. Anyway, I'm 16 and he's 18 and we'd been dating for almost 8 months. We always got along very well just as people, and although we had a few minor bumps in the road, we found love, or as much love as can be at this age. We're both smart people and this was my first serious relationship. We didn't take bullshit, I think cheating is the lowest thing you can ever do, and we talked out a lot of our problems pretty well.
Just before his grad (prom), he was offered admission to a university a few hours out of town. He wasn't sure what he wanted, and he made it clear that he's frustrated with the life he has here in some ways--his parents are divorced, he felt like he didn't have a lot of friends left to be pulled to. (he's well liked, but he's an 'artsy' and got into the thing...with me, of course) We talked through it, but there was a lot of tension in the relationship for a week or so, a bit of denial. He visited the campus quickly and decided against it. He was happy with his decision, we were able to reconnect and things started looking great.
Exam time came around, and we were seeing very little of each other. Very little was 15 minutes of 'heyhowareya' a day around lunch time and once a weekend. Promises were made all around to make a bigger effort once the time came. (wow, I'm almost in tears, it's alright) And then the time came, and he hurt me. We went to a Canada day party and he got so drunk (I drank a lot but knew my limit...although I rarely drink). He was the only one puking, I took care of him, and in the morning he barely gave any thanks. this was a party with his friends---I was the youngest one there and I went for him (although people were reall nice and besides the 'issue' I had a good time) I went over to his place intending to tell him I'd had enough the next day, we talked, we expressed frustrations. He told me "I don't want this. I don't see you ever just being my friend, ____(name)." So we agreed 1) we can't read minds and 2) we were going to work at this.
From this point...everything had tension. We had fun but we were never completely udnerstanding each other. Whe we first strated dating, the understanding was the one quality of the relationship we truly loved. WE got each other. He knew eaxctly what i needed when I needed it. I could take some of his abstract thoughts and decipher them to help him and he loved that. I loved that.
Anyway, the topic of unviersity came up. Would be even be able to stay together even though he was going to university in town? We had friends who had done the highschool-unviersity relationship and it was fine, but the older guy was practically stuck in highschool himself because of it. He wasn't able to truly grow up. My boyfriend didn't want that. I didn't blame him.
Also, he thought we'd never see each other and it would end angrily. he didn't want me "to get hurt."
So we argued a lot. WE'd pretend we were okay and then someone would get hurt (usually me) By some dumb small thing. I'm overly sensitive and I have to work on that. I know that. he said the 'relationship' aspect of our relationship had died and that we jsut seemed like friends. He barely kissed me himself anymore, and we touched but it always seemed forced. The hugs were the msot wonderful things.
Anyway, there are plenty mroe details. But really..we broke up because I said we had to make a deicion: either 1) Accept that university was coming and that we'd make an effort to dtay together and believe we could through it all,a nd if it ended then, then we wouldn't COUNT on it beforehand, or
2) Break it up now and jsut be friends.
He decided the latter was the best idea. And so here I am. I gave him the choice, and I feel he made the wrong one. But I don't know. More details to come. What should I do? I haven't made contact in awhile. I need to include my breakup talk with him (afertwards) which I will.