I meet this girl back in september and I instantly fell for her.
I added her on facebook, asked for her number and we've been texting since.
We flirt from time to time in our text and finally we kissed once. A couple days later we went to a parking lot and
started making out. We talked and kissed more and more through out the night.
I've liked her from the beginning and I feel like she has interest as well. We text from time to time and I wish we could talk all the time. I'm constantly thinking about her, and now that we went deeper into the kissing and a little bit of touching I cant get her out of my head. At work shes a little bit awkward. maybe because its always busy and we have no time to talk. I wonder if she likes me, if she thinks about me?
sometimes we text 3 days in a row and other we go days without texting.. why does this happen? why is she doing this to me? we went out this past friday, didnt talk saturday, worked with her 6 hours today and it was just a touch of weirdness around her. Should i wait till this week passes and see if the texts me? do you think she might want to go out with me again? she did mention she had an amazing night with me.
I wish I knew what she felt, thinks to see if I should try harder or back away a little