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Thread: Sex this..sex that..

  1. #1
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    Sex this..sex that..

    Ever since me and my boyfriend started having sex a few months ago..it seems that much of our conversations together allude towards sex. I mean he either hints with sexual innuendo, talks about how it felt the last time, when we're gonna do it next..etc.

    I was just wondering..how often do you guys talk about sex with your boyfriend/girlfriend? Just to add..it's not like i dont satisfy him enough..we actually do it at what i consider a reasonable frequency (2-4 times a week). He knows he talks about it a lot and at times i find it funny in a quirky way..but it gets a bit weird talking about it all the time. I dont know..what are your thoughts?
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  2. #2
    vashti's Avatar
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    Can he talk about anything else? People who can only talk about one thing (regardless of the topic) will eventually bore you to death.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  3. #3
    anachronistic's Avatar
    anachronistic Guest
    Must be new to him.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by sine24 View Post
    I was just wondering..how often do you guys talk about sex with your boyfriend/girlfriend? Just to add..it's not like i dont satisfy him enough..we actually do it at what i consider a reasonable frequency (2-4 times a week). He knows he talks about it a lot and at times i find it funny in a quirky way..but it gets a bit weird talking about it all the time. I dont know..what are your thoughts?
    How often.. depends how often you have sex.. if you have sex often.. there's no need to talk about it.. I don't see the need anyway, unless it's to get your girl turned on.. but that's NOT the type of sex-talk that would do the trick (the one he's doing).. lol

    Is he raising any particular issue? I mean, he just randomly talks about it? hmm.. strange..

    could be the case that he's insecure about his ability to please you and is seeking validation on your behalf.. usually the case with inexperienced guys.. so you could try just telling him how it feels each time.. so you don't have to have him ask you 91823109651089765 times after that..
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  5. #5
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    agreed, he might just be feeling weak, you should boost his ego a litle bit, that way

    1.) he will stop talking about it as much and
    2.) he might actually perform better with his elevated confidence

  6. #6
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    i doubt it has anything to do with him feeling insecure about his performance..he doesn't need an ego boost..i think he knows he's good at it and i let him know enough that im happy with it.

    But other than sex..we are able to talk about anything and everything so its not like thats all we talk about..it just comes up quite often in our conversations, where he eventually finds a way to link something i say to the topic of sex.
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  7. #7
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    you know alot of guys can easily talk sex all day long from any small detail in a story, its a terrible talent. I reckon that he is starting to treat u in that same manner, you have to remind him that you are his gf and should still be respected, if need be tell him straight that you are a little tired of always ending up talking about sex. He will either understand or be a little hurt and understand, at the end of the day he wouldnt want to offend you. It might make him feel a little hurt in the beginning but it will keep your conversations fresh and non sex all the time


  8. #8
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    It's just a phase. He's thrilled to be having sex with you and probably thinks of nothing else. It'll probably fade a bit.

    I don't know, though. I'm always exchanging innuendos with my boyfriend, and we're not new at this sex thing.

    Does it bug you?
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  9. #9
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    My boyfriend and I talk about sex 2-3 times a month. It's not something that comes up alot in our conversations, it never really has been.

    You could ask him why he keeps bringing it up or let him know how it makes you feel by him talking about sex all the time.

  10. #10
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    Sex was pretty much the only thing my ex boyfriend and I had in common so we would talk about it all the time. He had different religious beliefs, political beliefs.. well pretty much everything.. and we are both very stubborn people so we just avoided arguing and talked about what we had in common.. which was sex.. basically enjoy it while you can because youre relationship isnt going to last. and if it does then.. im sorry :/

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilwing View Post
    Must be new to him.

    You two are quite young so I don't find that at all unussual
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  12. #12
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    yeah i guess he might just be getting used to it and everything. it doesn't really bug me so much..just wondering if its a common topic of conversation between partners. it never gets to the point where it becomes uncomfortable and he doesn't talk about it in a disrespectful manner..just innuendo every once in a while. of course our relationship is based on much more than sex..we have heaps in common and we care about each other a great deal. i never really thought much about it cos i've always assumed that guys automatically like to talk about it..but that's a bit stereotypical i know. oh well..thanks for the input everyone..have a good one! =)
    "We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little bit of each other everywhere."

  13. #13
    Tedel's Avatar
    Tedel Guest
    Answering the orignial question, I'd say that if you basically talk about sex all the time (not exactly what you said, but the idea I got anyway), then you need to start doing some other things together. Visit a museum, go to the zoo, go the an art gallery... get something else to talk about. I think your relationship may be falling into a routine.

  14. #14
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    I used to alot with my last girlfriend. in fact I feel really bad about it now because some days she would say can we just lay together, and I said sure buuuut yeah, and she would say alright fine we can I dont care. And I would never say no. thats so ****ed up of me jesus.

  15. #15
    Mathias's Avatar
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    All the time? Nah.

    Amanda and I joke about it quite a bit, she's actually dirtier than I am, but it maybe encompasses 1% of our conversations.

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