Sex is a good stress reliever. So maybe sex wasn't that good or there's something else going on.
Think you should try to talk more about this and see if she gives any other reasons as well.
Also, give this relationship a deadline - how long you are willing to continue if things don't improve.
Sure not every touch and kiss have to end with sex. You can try Karezza sex what is sex without orgasm, that includes a lot of cuddling etc. Look it up, there's even book on that. Also, there is a book called cuddle sutra. You could research and try new cuddling positions. Also, you could ask her a lot of questions. Like, google 88 really questions to ask your GF. Also, there are questions to ask the girl you like. Try to remember them and ask them when you have time to talk.
Meanwhile, during this dry spell, you could go on a date with her or go on a weekend trip somewhere or just one-day trips to nearby places.
Almost forgot. Theres this site called nofap. You could join and set up a counter so see how many days you can go without PMO - porn, masturbation, orgasm.(orgasm includes sex too)
Last edited by pcmaster; 30-04-18 at 04:10 AM.
Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will