I'm not saying only guys do stupid sh*t (women do too), but man, my guy can be a bit clueless sometimes.
I woke up and signed onto FB this morning and was checking to see if my guy was online (he's been away in Guadalajara since January right now for those who don't know) and I saw a message on his wall from one of his classmates that looked a bit sketchy. I was able to view their Wall-to-Wall and noticed that he'd left her a wall message saying she was tempting and asked her to marry him. She wrote back calling him a "sweet young thing" etc.
Now, I don't typically go all psycho-girlfriend, but I was PISSED. Lucky for me he was online too, so I composed myself and called him on it point blank.
"Why did you ask some girl to marry you on Facebook?"
I gave him a chance to explain and proceeded to explain that it was a joke he and some of his classmates had about this woman being an attractive older woman, and how much she had enjoyed the attention from the boys of their group, blah blah. He said it was a joke. I told him that I don't think that kind of stuff is funny, and that I was hurt, and felt disrespected. I don't know any of those girls he hangs around with as he is 2,000+ miles away. He apologized profusely and said he'd cut it out and said he'd never meant to hurt me.
I get that he didn't mean to hurt me, but my question is... How do you get it into your head that that is appropriate? And furthermore, I don't think anyone should be putting stuff up on a public network if they don't want anyone to potentially read/see it. I can trust that he loves me, and that he wrote the message in jest, but there was absolutely no thought put toward how I might interpret such a message.