Hi. I am a 21 year old unkissed virgin and I have never had any kind of relationships. I have tried to google people like me to see what kind of replys they might get, but I can't really find anyone that is like me. Usually older male virgins might be very shy or have problems dealing with social situation, but I am not like that at all. I am social, I have allways had many friends and I have absolutely no problems talking to people I havent met before (also girls, just not in the same degree as boys).
The problem is that I haven't really met any girls which has been into me, this is probably because I can seem sort of superior and not interested (the leader of the pack sort of role). But the thing thats killing me is that all kinds of people around me are finding themself girlfriends, even people who are completely quiet if there is a person in the room they don't know. The sad conclution I have kind of made is that I have a personality that no girls would like to date or that my apperence is hiddeus (I am overweight, but except that Im pretty normal). I say to myself that this is ofcourse not the case, but then again I can't see any other reasons I don't know why I can't just let myself a little loose and just try to pick up some girl even though it might lead to me making an ass of myself but the thing is that I am just terrified of doing og saying something wrong. I often wake up the morning after a party having emotinoal shock-like sensations of small things I may have said wrong the last night, things the person I said them to might not even remember. If I were to try to pick up a girl and fail I would probably drop right into severe depression the next day
I have sort of accepted the role as a spectator in the love-show, like an emotional a-sexual (I am thinking of just announcing myself as that ) But this is kind of not working out for me. I am depressed and I'm planning to see a doctor about it in a week or so, but it's not a bad guess to say that it is the virginity causing it. I feel very hopeless and have absolutely no idea on how to change things.
Is there anyone who can give me any kind of comforting words? Is there any hope? I also want to hear what you girls have to say to this. If I did manage to find myself a girl, would you want me to tell you that I am a virgin?