So me and my GF are both 22 and have been together for around 3 years. As the title suggests, weve had sex (if you can call it that) about 4 times in our entire relationship. Every month or so a little bit of foreplay may occur but that's it. By foreplay I mean this: I pleasure her with my fingers for around 2 minutes until she is satisfied, then she gets up, goes to the bathroom, gets back in bed then goes to sleep. That's it, she doesn't even touch me, or kiss me.
And you may have guessed this, but its killing me. For 2 years of out relationship we were at Uni together, even lived together for a year. The situation now is that shes at home working, and I;m doing a masters degree about 40 miles away. We see each other once a week or once every 2 week, usually overnight. You'd have thought we couldn't wait to have sex? Think again. We just have the foreplay I mentioned before, or absolutely nothing at all.
I've spoken to her about this. She always agrees, says she wants it more. Makes all these plans/promises. But its just words and empty promises, nothing ever changes. And at the end of these discussions I always end up feeling guilty for wanting more sex, or feel like a bad person and end up apologizing to her. I'm not sure if thats because of her reaction or what she says to me, or something else.
The last time we had (barely) sex was about 14 months ago.
Its driving me insane, about 6 month ago I essentially gave up and accepted it just wasn't part of our relationship, and it wasn't going to happen. I'd just have to live with it. The problem now is its getting me down, i feel no connection or emotion to her whatsoever. She barely even kisses me when we do meet, i just feel nothing. She told me one of her elderly family members had gone into hospital, I felt no sympathy so had to fake it. If I go to see her, (she never comes to me) I don't look forward to it. In fact I dread it.
I just feel like a friend that deals with the shit a boyfriend has to.
I am trying so so so so hard not to stray, I'll be honest, its crossed my mind, but I havn't done. I'm 22 and get less sex than a single guy 3 years my junior. I listen to people talka bout their sex life, or people moaning they only get it once a week. Once a week! I would kill for that!
What do I do??