when do you know it's time to give up?
how can you tell?
when do you know it's time to give up?
how can you tell?
when he's married. that's usually clue enough for some people.
Wow, that's a tough question if ever there was one. I think only you can tell when the time is right. It all depends on how much you're willing to put up with. Just one day you'll say, "I can't take this anymore, something has to change." That's when you'll know. Trust your instincts.
Well, there's that too.Originally Posted by misombra
if only you we're there this relationship... its just so hard to let something you know can be so wonderful go...
it's hard having one person change your life completely with just one kiss, and then never to feel how feel when your with that person...
but then knowing times has changed it all and maybe it won't change back...
I've been there. I know what you're talking about. More than you know. Listen to your instincts.
Nothing says "This relationship sucks" more than the idea that you are holding onto something that could be or was rather than something that is.
The minute it gets to that point is the minute the relationship ended. With or without you.
Cybog, what is this:
Is it a code?__________________
I love codes!
it is something that was... and still is but has a few little scratches...
almost 2 years ago we started dating.. it was perfect everything about it except that he was still married... i understood that a divorce isn't cheap and there is alot of money and time that has to go through that... now we fight all the time about not being together. because i want us to be together and he says "i dunno". he says he wants that too but he just can't right now... i dunno maybe your all right maybe i am being a fool... it still is perfect except that we fight and i'm sad because i want a lable, i don't want to just be dating... i want the exclusive thing as i have had until now...
and i mainly WANT that lable because he is still married...
ugh, this is so bogus.
Shhhhh!Originally Posted by misombra
It's called being subtle, chica!
don't shhh me you're just mad cause i know bogus when i see it donut boy!
::leans forehead on fist and shakes head::
Sombra, instead of blaring "BOGUS!!" I find it more fun to hijack the thread and make fun of its poster. Hence, I am subtle. Of course, being subtle has its disadvantages.
Like having to explain what you mean.
Like now.
donut boy, there's like 20 others okay i think you'll be alright.