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Thread: I'm ever so shy... How to make a move?!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    I'm ever so shy... How to make a move?!

    Hey all!
    I'm an 18 year old girl, and I'm not having any problems talking to anyone, untill I get to like someone...
    There's this boy in my class, and I really like him. I get the idea he likes me too, when I'm busy writing something down and look up suddenly, I catch his eye often. Also, he joined my friend and me for a practicum while there where lots of other people who he could've joined..
    But now what? How can I tell him I like him without making a complete fool out of myself?!
    Thanx a lot

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    well you don't need to come right out and say it. you could play it safe and try to extend him an invitation to do something outside of school. if there's a movie or something you are both dying to see just be like..... "hey, we should go see that saturday night." If he doesn't accept your invite he probably doesn't like you, but atleast you aren't left looking like a total fool. but just trust me, either way you shuold just go for it. you are still young, and so what if he rejects you?!? in a couple of years u can sit back and laugh about it, and it won't even matter. it's always easier to say man i shouldn't have done that or what was i thinking?? than it is to have regrets.

    "when in doubt, just spit it out". ...... that's a quote from a book i'm reading right now, but i find it to be very true.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    You're right, thanks
    Better regretting something I've done, than regretting something I didn't do...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    "Better regretting something I've done, than regretting something I didn't do..."

    true true good luck! -x-
    ******* 7 Times World Champion Michael Schumacher - the ultimate sporting hero *******

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Out in the garage
    3 words. Test the water. confirm that hes really interested in you before making any moves. As simple as that. If its good, carry on with more hints and he'll make the moves sooner or later.
    We all should look out for the finer things in life~

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    In front of this screen.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nameless18
    3 words. Test the water. confirm that hes really interested in you before making any moves. As simple as that. If its good, carry on with more hints and he'll make the moves sooner or later.

    Walk up to a guy you like. Say "Hey! I know we haven't really talked a lot, and we might not really know each other, but would you like to maybe go out sometime? Do something?"

    If you are a decent looking girl and don't have the reputation of the school-slut, one of two things will happen with 99.8% of every guy in America:

    #1. He will be flattered, but tell you he has a girlfriend. Maybe we could hang out sometime?

    #2. He will be flattered, say yes! Give him your number. This guy will be on you like maggots on a paper plate in a snowstorm.

    Is it really that hard?

    The biggest problem with you kids these days is this ficticious idea that there is something called a "fear" of rejection. If a member of the other sex says no, that's hardly being "rejected". Denied a date is about it.

    When they laugh and point, call their friends in front of you and laugh some more, that might be considered a rejection.

    But guess what - That only happens in the movies.

    I promise you $500 cash that just about any guy you do this to is going to be drop-dead stunned that you actually did it and tell you "Yes!" in a heartbeat.

    Try me.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    lol, I know I'm crazy... I'm making something huge out of something small - but that's just the way I am
    maybe the courage'll come with age but for now I'd rather try to do it gradually, not just bumping in front of him and asking him...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    In front of this screen.
    Suit yourself.

    Call me when you are 30 and still single - I'll be pretty old by then and always looking for a young hottie to cart around on my arm.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Hey, do not let it come with age. You learn from doing this. i made many mistakes on not asking girls for there # simply just to talk to them, and watched them get snatched up by friends and it makes me sick! You have to ask him to do something or your going to regret it miserably later on. Don't let days go by thinking " o i'll just wait till tommorrow to talk to him about this" anytime is good, you should seriously go for it

    and ye Cy is right, if a girl who asked me to go do something, i would probably be in shock, only way he might not be in shock if hes a stuck up ass.
    Last edited by ody86; 21-01-05 at 07:50 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico
    So are you single, Cybog?

    May I ask why? I know that could be a long one to answer, but if you have the time I wouldn't mind reading your views on relationships as they apply to yourself.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    In front of this screen.
    Hey, do not let it come with age. You learn from doing this. i made many mistakes on not asking girls for there # simply just to talk to them, and watched them get snatched up by friends and it makes me sick! You have to ask him to do something or your going to regret it miserably later on. Don't let days go by thinking " o i'll just wait till tommorrow to talk to him about this" anytime is good, you should seriously go for it

    and ye Cy is right, if a girl who asked me to go do something, i would probably be in shock, only way he might not be in shock if hes a stuck up ass.
    Good to see Ody86 is on the right track. My dad had the idea that he would take every single woman in his class out on a date his high school year. (Granted he grew up in a small town and the woman population of his Senior class was a little less than a hundred, but still)

    But by the time he graduated, he had asked every single girl in his Senior class for a date, and taken on a date at least 30 or 40 girls in the course of his Senior Year.

    That's some admirable courage with the ladies

    But the fact is, the more you "fear" rejection, the less you will succeed. This is true in life as well. The successful people of the world are those who took risks, who took a chance. Who worked hard. Who tried something "different". Sure there are some lucky stars out there, but for the truly successful people when it comes to dating or relationships, this comes with practice and trial and error.

    You choose your own path in life, and if fear is part of it, then have you honestly lived? Why be afraid of what might have been?

    It's better to be saddened by what was than heartbroken over what could have been.

    P.S. Nomas - I prefer not to bring my personal life into these forums. Don't really do it much, and there is a reason for that. If I talked about who I am or what I do, people probably wouldn't even believe me.

    So I make friends with anonymity. You can either listen to me or not, I really don't care. I am successful in life because I practice what I preach, and have been successful in relationships because of the same.

    P.S.S. No, I am not single.


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