Hi, I would greatly appreciate someone else's opinion of my situation.
I have been with my partner for a total of 9 years the first 5 were great and we had a son together and everything turned sour. ( not blaming my son in anyway) I began to withdraw from my partner gradually over the next 3 years no sex, no kissing and generally no affection at all. He struggled with that big time but not once did he confront me about it. I suffered in silence too thinking if he had a problem with any of it he would tell me.
Then one day it all fell apart as I found out he had ran into an old girlfriend while on a trip away and began a sort of emotional affair with her. unloading all his problems on her and of course she told him what he wanted to hear as she was going through a divorce at the same time.
I confronted him with the evidence and he told me he had been out of love with me for sometime and he thought he would like to move on.
I went and got counselling as i was surprisingly shook up about it. i then found out the contraception i was using had been sending me crazy for those 3 years. (it was an implant and once it was removed i was a different person)
He began to realize that i was a completely different person without the implant and told me he would give it another try as family was very important to him. he is not a talker and to get anything out of him is like getting blood from a stone, which is another issue.
So... that was 9 months ago and of course i am pregnant and things are on the downhill slide. he constantly tells me that he is not in love with me but he is trying and that he is 70% out the door. It seems he just cannot get past the way i treated him for those 3 years, plus he has been in constant contact with the old girlfriend all this time but denies that anything is going on. Little does he know I check his sms messages and they are very lovey towards her... calls her sweetie and loves hearing her voice when he has had a bad day!!!!
So what the hell am I doing here????? I have no idea i just cannot let him go....maybe because of the new baby which is due in about 5 weeks? do I need to just cut the ties now? Am i hanging on too needy? There is only so many times I can be told i am not loved....
please help.