We have been together for about 2 years, the last few months have been like a rollercoaster. His insecurity made things worse. Yes i made mistake. And he said he had forgiven me. But he kept getting angry over the same thing and I put up with that. Because I knew that he would soon calmed down. So it has been like that for few months. It was like we broke up and got back together over and over again. I took care of him. And damn I did take good care of him.
Today he just pushed me away. And somehow this time I knew it was the end. He told me that I should let go and move on. Easy for him to say. His emotions were so hard to deal with. He would be OK for few days, then he would get angry for a day or two. He would start bringing up the past.
I'm so upset with the whole thing. We have been through so much and I have put up with his ups and downs. Now that he didn't think he could cope, he wanted to end it. I have been there for him to listen while he took his anger at me. I'm so mad that when I told him i needed him, he told me to go find another guy. I'm so angry!! But at the same time, I'm so scared to move on. How could I love someone who has been so abusive? Why did I put up with his crap? The more I put up with him, the more i understand him and the more I could accept him. How f**ked up am I?
It hurts so much to let him go. I know it's the right thing to do and i know i deserve someone better, but it upsets me that when he can't cope, things get difficult, that he would just push me away. how could he do that?? he made me feel so irrelevant. he made me feel so unworthy. it really hurts.