I have already posted mu situation in an earlier thread. My Girlfriend of 5 1/2 years went traveling for 9 months asked me to wait, i did, she dumps me 2 weeks before she is due back and says she wants to be alone for a while as she enjoyed it so much.
Anyway i get over this reason, she wants to be alone. Then when shes back she is never around her friends from before, and always hard to contact, (phone off or 'out of signal') so i tried calling her home, speak to her mum and she mistakes me for a guy called ross. Hmm new boyfriend me thinks. So i ask her cos she was traveling with a bloke called ross. No not at all she says hes just a mate sortin me out a car. the reason why i wanted to know is cos it would mean that all of the reasons why she broke up with me would not be true.
Anyway some time passes, nobody really speaks to her. I get really down cos i still miss her then out of the blue i get a call from her tellin me that she is goin to a party that one of our goodfriends is at and that she was takin a guy that she likes, who, guess what, is called ross. The only reason why she told me then was cos she didnt want to put our friend in a possition where she would have to lie to me or break her secret. But she says i dont want a boyfriend so dont worry its only about sex. This obviously crushes me, sends me into a deep depression, i couldnt sleep, eat, concentrate i had to start goin to councilors i was put on anti depressants and after a few weeks i started to feel better. Anyway i go for a drink with her and had a really nice evenin catchin up, chattin about stuff. She reasures me that she is still single and this guy is just a good mate. She tells me it wasnt me it was her she couldnt do with the commitment right now. I said i wished we had just met cos things could have been different. She replies yeah i could but if i had just been in a realitionship with anyone for 5 1/2 years i still would want to be alone right now. so im fine cos the reasons she gave me for breaking up stand.
Anyway a few weeks later one of our mutual friends accidently lets slip that she has moved to south hampton to live with this bloke which knocks me back into depression she had been lying to me the whole time. So anyway cos im moving away and had already set up a meetin just to say bye and such before i go she rings me to tell me she cant make it so i ask her if they were more than just frends to which she finally replies yes we are more than friends. I get really upset, she get angry with me cos its none of my buisness. She says that it would be best if we had no contact for a while.
Anyway a few weeks pass and i stated to get really angry that she had just lied to me for 5 months, maybe to protect me or maybe to save her own face, so i send her a message pointing this out that im angry that she had no respect or decency to just tell me the truth and pointed out all of her lies. and said that she owes me an apology
Anyway she gets pissed of with me telling me that she had apologed over and over again, if i though she was such a terrible person then i should be glad to be rid or her, she had tried to be nice and decent but i responed my 'going mental'. she says its a shame that weve ended like this and good luck with my new life.
Shes angry with me??? For 5 months ive never been angry with her, she said she wanted me as a friend and i didnt want to lose her from my life so we tried to be friend, but every time she droped a new peice of info on me i kept gettin upset. And now for the first time i say im angry with her from what shes done she sget angry and says well never speak again.
Now i feel even worst cos i expressed my anger to her hoping that she would see what shes done and be apologetic and instead she hates me more. I dont know what to do to get over her, cos now im not only still in love with my ex girlfrend but she hates me and never wants to speak to me. I did nothing wrong but im being punished and it hurts so much.
sorry for such a long post im just really upset. If anyone has any advice it would be great ly apppriecated