I recently borke up with my gf or I should say she broke up with me and I agreed it was for the best. Now she wants to try again. i keep telling her no. My fear is that there were problems in our relationship relating to her admitted controlling ways and her tendantcy to be selfcentered and selfish. I work hard to make the relationship work and could have continued to do so, but think I should not have to be the one to do all the comprimising. Now that she wants to get back together because she is in pain, she says she will change and understands that she dropped the ball in our relationship. We were together for almost 3 years and it steadily got worse. My fear is that it will be better for awhile (1-2 years) them go right back to where it was or worse if we got married. Please help. I would like to belive people can change, but I am not sure. I definitely don't want her to change for me, beacuse i know in the long run she will resent me for making her change. Any thoughts. I am very confused and in pain. I love her, but feel that ultimately all we would ever have is a good to ok marriage. i want an awsome marriage.