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Thread: I think she's lying

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    I think she's lying

    My gf of a couple months was supposed to go to her sisters wedding reception this weekend and her mom had a hotel. I was with her these past couple days and her friend came into town for the wedding and its like she was a different person. Anyways, she texted me later that night after I got home and told me her mom cancelled the hotel room and that was the reason I was coming to be with her in the room. Family/close friends wedding only. Idk her sister is kinda weird. Anyways I called the hotel to see if there were any rooms still available, thinking I could get one for us and checked her moms reservation and it wasn't cancelled! Do I confront her about this? I dot want her to think I was snooping, even though I was a little. I really don't know what to do or how to handle the situation so please help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    It seems to me she just doesnt want to be bothered with you tagging along. I have times like that where I dont want to be bothered with my boyfriend. I dont want to say it like that but thats only when Im with friends, like dont keep bothering me and hes the same way, so I give him his time even though men mostly definately get brand new when their friends are around. I will check with him thru out the day and sometimes he say Im diff when my step sister and cousin comes around but men always feel like that until its explained- its not always about u. Sometimes a female, Well me, just want to kick it with my girls and female family all day and if she hasnt gave you reason to think she be up to no good in the past, then let her have this time. She probably just lied because you kept pushing the issue. However if we have guys in the family there also, I dont care and I actually like him to be around.

    Also, your her bf so you should be considered a close friend and I dont personally dont care if my other half thinks I snoop so what? You should still mention it and say am I not close? There was no need to lie, just so she can know you know and there is no need for that. My BF used to ask me str8 up like why'd you lie if I tried to avoid him but that was because he was getting on my nerves like you was probably getting on hers.
    Last edited by PradaChanel; 08-03-13 at 09:32 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I haven't pushed the issue at all. We've only been dating a couple months so for me to go to a family wedding might be kinda weird. I was just going to stay in the hotel with her after the reception, that's why I don't know why she'd lie.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    It is true that we girls will act differently with our friends, but that is because our relationship with the one we love is different to our relationship with other people, so we act differently too. My guess is that she might have decided to take the opportunity to just have some time with her friend and was unsure of how to approach it with you. Unfortunately at times like this some people tell a lie rather than deal with it, thinking they are saving your feelings.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I guess I get that. I just don't get the lying thing. If she would of just told me the truth I wouldn't be mad. Should I confront her about it or just leave it alone? I don't want her thinking I was snooping.
    Last edited by Cgl5915; 08-03-13 at 09:52 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    My response might not be what the general public would agree with, because my answer is to always tell the truth, but with tact. She might react and accuse you of snooping but an outburst can be expected from anyone who is caught out in a lie. So I say, yes, tell her the truth. A wise person once told me to pick your fights, which means that you basically have to let some things go and deal with only the very important ones. This way you give people the room to be themselves.

    Some suggestions:
    If you decide to tell her be conscious of when and how you do it. Make sure that it is in a location that is private, at a time that is relaxed for the two of you and when you are both calm and to present it to her in a way that makes it clear that you are not criticizing what she did, but that you would not have been mad at hearing the truth. It is sometimes hard to judge a situation like this without knowing the parties involved, but if you feel that the best thing for you to do is to avoid the confrontation, then perhaps when the time is right, you could let her know that if she ever needs time to be with friends, just to let you know and that it would be okay with you.
    I hope this helps. Good luck with it
    Last edited by pinktulips; 08-03-13 at 10:18 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Cgl5915 View Post
    I haven't pushed the issue at all. We've only been dating a couple months so for me to go to a family wedding might be kinda weird. I was just going to stay in the hotel with her after the reception, that's why I don't know why she'd lie.
    Actually, it could be several reasons. If you all have only dated a few months then she may not want everyone in her business as of right now. Like its just a family affair sort of thing. I personally dont think it would be weird for you to go the wedding and I dont think its weird that you wanted to stay with her after. I would say just ask her because when people dont tell the truth even if its harmless it sort of causes people to not trust them and become suspect of things so yes, you should confront her because thats not a healthy way to begin a relationship and just let her know as Pinktulips described.
    BTW, it was lite humor when I said you probably was getting on her nerves. In relationships, everybody nerves get worked sometimes.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    You folks think I should just leave it alone and let her contact me this weekend?

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