I am 21, he is 23. I seem to have a decreased sex drive lately. I think it's because I'm averaging 6 hours of sleep a night if I'm lucky (not always good sleep, either). I'm stressed with school and work and balancing boyfriend/friends/family in with the two. He has a very high libido - like wants it 3 times a day, more if he can get it. I love sex, and he is extreeeemely attractive, I mean I know girls envy me; I just don't want to that often! And I will gladly do it to satisfy him but he is extremely upset lately because I never come on to him, and he thinks we don't have a sexual connection. It's just that he usually wants it before I even have time to think of it again from the last time.
Am I too serious/boring/stressed? Should I loosen up more and increase my sex drive? Or is he too demanding? I'm not sure what it is but he's hurt and upset and I'm trying my hardest to make this better but it's eating at our relationship.