So here's the situation:
There are three birthday parties for 3 different friends on Saturday. All will be headed to the clubs/bars in the late evening(after 11pm). All 3 are girls. 2 of the girls are friends with my ex(we're both friends with them(one is her roommate), but we've known both the same amount of time, but obviously they are going to be closer being girls). Undoubtedly all the parties will probably converge when the clubbing/bar hopping starts and I really do not want to run into my ex(have been trying my best to maintain no contact with her and have been doing well, been maybe a little over a month) and I especially don't want to run into her if she is with her new bf, even though I know she's dating someone I don't really know how I'd react/feel seeing them together and stuff.
I'm thinking that there are two, maybe three, scenarios that I'd be comfortable in 1) if I know she's not going to be there 2) if she's there but not with her bf 3) if she and her bf are there but my roommates come with me. 2 and 3 are really both dependent on my roommates being there as I'd be able to leave the club/bar and not wander around that area by myself. Or should I just stay away from the situation entirely?
The 2 birthday girls I know pretty well(1 is my close friends gf) and other than a few other girls, most of the other people will either be acquaintances/strangers to both of us, or will be my friends.