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Thread: Is there something as being too good for someone?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Is there something as being too good for someone?

    I've broken up with my bf for 2 months already. Starting to get over it....but it still aches sometimes when i think about it. I've been going out with my bf for 1 1/2 years. During that time, we were like a really sweet couple. But 1 problem had been in our relationship all along....i'm in university and he's not. My family and some of my friends had been telling me that he might not have enough potential to give me a good future. ...at one point, i kind of had that thought too, so when he went to Toronto for vacation in the summer, i really took the time to think about this. In the end, i figured that i love him a lot and it's hard to find someone who loves me so much...so i decided that i'm not gonna mind about that potential issue and i won't listen to what other ppl say..i'll just love him with all my heart becuz he's too important for me to give up.

    So when he came back from toronto, i told him about all this. I asked him about his plans for his future, told him about mine. Told him that although i know that i might have more opportunities if i work in another country later on, however, i'll give all those up just to be with him. ....and then he decided to break up with me becuz of this.....told me that after this discussion, his feelings were fading for me....that he doesn't love me as much anymore...i just don't understand why. 1 week b4 we break up, we were still so sweet. He came back from Toronto and told me that he wanted to see me right away once he got off the plane. 1 week later, after this discussion, we broke up...i just don't understand how someone can stop loving so quickly and easily. Now it seems like he's having fun and just doing fine without me...what's happening...i just feel like i don't know him anymore...everyone's telling me to move on, but it's just so hard...cuz it all happened too quickly and shockingly. Can anyone give me some thoughts and advice on this? Does anyone get what's going through his mind???? please help!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    ive had the same problem with respect to my g/f moving on.... she seems fine... i dont understand how they can juz move on like that... i think its the fact that they have had more time 2 think bout it and it doesnt affect them as much as whoever gets dumped... in ur case mint id say he will still b thinkin of u but its hard 2 say in what way.... and when ppl tell u 2 move on doesnt it piss u off?? i no u have 2, but it gets annoyin huh!!
    Mine happened quick as well.... n it keep on comin up in my daily life... sayin 2 urself ("how, so quick, why").. it really sux.. especially when u love them so much.
    about his future plans.. if u love him then i beleive that stuff shouldnt matter.. like its important.. but so is love!
    oh n knowing he is havin so much fun makes u think huh?? wats he getting up 2.. i do the same.. not a good thought!! (wit my g/f.. well X now)
    so yeh i wanna know aswell if ppl can fall out of love after being in a close n serious relationship?????

    the best thing u can wish for is that u try n contact him... u no talk bout the past 2getha.. c if that will spark nethin..

    So i wouldnt mind seeing some posts in this thread!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    New England
    ugh guys are lil shits liek that. im real sorry for you. its not awkward for you to still be loenly and miss him.. (my ex was like that even though SHE broke up with me) its just pain from a loss of a feeling. give time for yoru wounds to heal and then call him and try to get a better understanding why he broke up with you. tahts all the advice i have for you. sorry, hope things turn out ok with you and him and you understand better why he broke up with you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Bottom Of A Well
    I think there's other reasons as to why he broke up with you.
    (/cliche)You can either try and fidn out or try chalk it up and move on.. (/end cliche)
    What you have in your mind might not be the same person now. Whenever we break up with someone, we keep that image of when we first met them (Ie, Oh they'll never do that or they wouldn't go there, they don't like it), cause I know i did, and many of my friends as well I found out when we talked about our past relationships..
    The thing is people change... If you want to try and find resolution, find out other things that lead up to brekaing up...
    There's always a reason, randomly breaking up with your bf/gf is not a very common thing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Thanks for replying guys! yeah, u guys might all be right. We've had several other problems in our relationship. First, there were problems with my family, becuz they didn't like him a lot (cuz' he doesn't have enough potential and stuff). Second, he was working this summer...everyday from 9:00am-8:00pm. At one point I complained to him about not spending enough time with me/talking with me. During that time, he became a really cold person. For 3 nights in a roll, he rejected talking to me becuz he was tired!! But after he explained to me that sometimes after work, he's just too tired to talk to anyone and doesn't want to eat, i realized how stress he was. So I didn't want to be so demanding on him and force him to talk when he didn't want to. But in the end...at our breakup, he told me that one of the problems we had were communication problems....like we didn't have enough time to talk and stuff.....but hey, it wasn't my fault...he was the one who didn't want to talk. I thought all these problems would be solved when he came back from vacation becuz he'll be going back to school again, so he wouldn't be as tired as when he had work. sigh...i just dunno.

    I've actually talked to him about the reasons why we broke up already..but in the end, the main reason that i got was becuz he doesn't love me as much, compared to b4. But i'm just thinking, maybe we're just going through a plateau phase...that's why he feels that he doesn't love me as much. He also told me that he started losing feelings for me for sometime already..so it didn't just happen all of a sudden. But i just think that it might have been becuz of his work...like we had less time to talk..and he was stressed...that's why he's losing those feelings..? But 1 week b4 our breakup, he was still so sweet...bought me gifts and stuff after his vacation..said sweet stuff to me. So does that mean he'd been pretending to love me during all those times when he lost feelings for me?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Houston, TX
    Weird. I cant say what hes feeling, obviously, but yeah, maybe you should just give him a little time alone to think. Obviously you know what you feel, and you cant change what he feels (or at least you cant guarantee that you can do anything to make him love you more, as opposed to annoying him). I would try to keep talking to him, and just try to be normal, get on with your life in the meantime. He seems to have alot of things on his mind at this point, so perhaps he needs to deal with that.

    And remember, if he does love you he will realize it sooner or later and things will work out, and if he doesnt then this is for the best, even if it hurts . Good luck friend.

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