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Thread: Damn EX still bothers me !

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Damn EX still bothers me !

    So me and my friends were supposed to go to a club for this girls B-day , anyways , i ended up hanging out with some other friends , and getting back home drunk at about midnight .

    then today , i called up my friend(the one from the club) to know how it was over there . He said it was great and that he saw my ex there dancing with some fag . I kinda got pissed when i learned this and the thing is that i dont love her anymore but i was soo commited to her during the time i was with her that i still care about her .. don;t worry , i dont plan on coming back with her ...

    its just that i was willing to marry her , and she said she wanted also , but in the end she said she only said it because i said it and she never really felt it .
    so she was/is a liar and my gut always told me that (thats the main reason we broke up ... distrust).

    point being , i know eventually this will become nothing but a dumb memory i have , but for now , it doesnt hurt me ,but it just bothers me to know that the girl i used to protect and take care of soo much and i tried so hard for her not to be somekind of whore wether she was with me or after ,i told her so many things so she could take care of herself and she even told me that she would never turn into a skank ..blahblah blah ....it just bothers me how she changed so much the SECOND we werent together , was it my fault ? i know you guys cant give me the answer but i feel now as if im not good enough .

    i offered her practically everything i have (commitement = no cheating , marriage , truthfull , i was nice to her , i kinda spoiled her (i used to be the typical "men always pay , women never should pay when BF is there "" kinda guy ....**** that , i feel like a damn toy)... i gave her time , love , appreciation ....and all that so all she could give me were lies and a whole bunch of shit . was that not good enough? or was she just a whore waiting to be unleashed (yes i think i did unleash it , once we had sex she was craving it just as much as me and im kinda a nympho)

    the irony is that this girl used to think she wouldnt have sex or do anything like that until she was married ...and here she is now less than 2 years later , going to clubs everyweek with different guys while she does god knows what with them . I HATE SLUTS > end of rant ...plz follow with comments.

  2. #2
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    Jun 2005
    your imagination
    I sense you're letting it get to you more than is necessary. Now you two aren't together any more and I assume aren't in contact either you shouldn't give a shit about what she gets up to. Treat her like the average girl you don't know.. I'm sure you don't care what most girls do in their spare time.
    It's her life, and if she wants to be a slut then good luck to her. She is the only one who will pay the price for any bad decisions in the end, not you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Hey Vamp, I totally know what you are feeling. I would hate to know anything about my ex playing so hard with other women here. Not that I planned to go back to them or anything. But I am still going to be bitter about it. heheh....

  4. #4
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    It's never easy to hear about our ex's doing anything with someone new... so it's just natural that it bothers you, Rafael.

    Just gotta remember she's not the same person she was when she was with you anymore... you're not together, and try your best to move on and not worry about what she's doin. As hard as it is =/

  5. #5
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Whoa I just replied to this cause I like you and think you're a cool guy and just wanted to give you a bit of encouragement but just realized something similairish happened to me today!

    My ex called me at work and asked me to look up a phone number for a football player here (I work at the university)... It's a football player that she use to talk to after we broke up... he was always trying to get down her pants and would say how different she is than other girls because she doesn't give him what he wants, and with all the other girls he gets what he wants.. etc etc blah blah... anyways obviously after she got married she lost contact with him and now that her marriage is pretty much over she's asking ME to get HIS number for HER.... I'm just like "Why you tryin to talk with him again?" and she's like "I'm not tryin to talk with him I just seein how he is.. give me somethin to do to pass the time"

    So I know what it's like, cause that bothered me... cause I know right now she's not thinkin straight... she's so bent on tryin to make her husband feel bad - she says she wants him to know how she feels... he cheated on her and she tells him she's gonna go out and **** random guys just to piss him off, etc... so to me it pisses me off more because I'm tired of seeing her **** up her life, and gettin involved with this football player isn't going to help, not only that but this scumbag football player didn't get what he wanted with her... only to have her contact him a couple years later and let him hit that shit... **** that.

  6. #6
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    Jul 2005
    That's all jacked up Tone. I know how all that can be. I have to be careful myself. My Ex had some 'friends' in town last weekend. I was curious about who they were and what they did together but I'm not asking any questions. If I asked questions, I might find out it was 1 friend, a guy, yada yada, and I'd just end up jealous. Now I seriously give it about a 2% likelyhood that she's seeing someone else right now, but just incase, I'd rather not find out.
    "Oh Lord it's hard to be humble, when you're perfect in every way. I can't wait to look in the mirror, cause I get better loking each day. To know me is to love me, I must be a hell of a man. Oh Lord it's hard to be humble, but I'm doing the best that I can." Mac Davis

  7. #7
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    Tell me about it, she just called back and we got into a fight about it!

    I'm so pissed off right now and I'm so mad I'm at work else I could have really let her have it... I just wanna tell her "Listen, let's face the godamn truth, your godamn husband is a ****ing psycho and the chances of him being the 'man you use to know' are slim to ****ing none. You HAVE to get over it for your son's sake if not your own for crying out loud. Now I've been MORE than helpful to you over the years and I have no problem being there for you through this but if you refuse to help your own self, I'm not gonna sit around and watch you **** your life up even more."

    I mean for crying out loud, he abuses her mentally, he abuses her PHYSICALLY, he's cheated on her. But she can't get over him. So she wants to go out and make him jealous... I would think after she had a CHILD she would get some sense and be able to do the right thing, but noooooooo.

    I'm so pissed, I wish I wasn't at work when we talked.

  8. #8
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    thx guys. if she wants to be a slut , ill let her be a one without me getting pissed off , but in the end , ill always know that i was the one that took the first bite outta that pie and im not the sucker thats getting sloppy seconds on her .

    Tone , i know what you mean with your story .

    ugg , i got soo drunk last night (monday night , yea i know , bad idea) i dint go to school today (1 more class i miss and i get kicked out ...and i just started a week ago)
    and i have to go to work later on ....what a pain . plus i dont know what happened with the cops last night ...

  9. #9
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    Aug 2005
    hey update ppl ... so i went to her parents restaurant today (yay , free food) , anyways , her mom told me that she 's always asking about me ( i dunno why , it makes no sense) and her father told me everything that she's doing , i dint even MENTION her and they just kept talking about her to me .

    anyways , last week , one of my friends caught her dancing in a club with some guy . but now her mom is telling me that she still cares somewhat about me . the thing is , that if she still loves me (wich she keept saying till the last time i spoke to her and heard from her)... why woulnt she just pick up the phone and call ? shes very hardheated also (stubborn) . whats up with all these stupid mixed messages , maybe she doesnt know what she wants ?

    whats your POV (point of view)?

  10. #10
    Tone's Avatar
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    Dunno man, could be a few things... she might think she honestly has no chance with you.. if you are curious and want to find out - I think you should give her a call and just chit chat see how she's doin and maybe suggest hanging out... but be careful... you could be opening pandora's box.

    Here's my update! Last night I was downtown and as the bars were closing down and there was 8 million people out on the sidewalks.. I'm walkin around with one of my female friends when I notice someone grabs her by the hand... I turn around and sure enough, there is my ex! (they know each other) Lookin so cute and innocent out in a crowd of savages! We talked for a min, I was buzzin so I kept touching her while talking and notice she was alone so I asked where her friends were, and made sure she got back to them okay, told her to call me.

    But I just hate the idea of her out there... I know it's not her scene and GAH I just hate that I'm thinkin of her again!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles
    God help us, Tone - this isn't the one with the psycho husband again, is it?

  12. #12
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    The worse part is that I'm just thinkin too much about it... after running into her last night.. we were drivin home and at a stoplight my friend was like "Whoa those chicks are totally checkin you out" and I turn and sure enough these 2 hot girls are in their car smiling at me and when I turn they wave.. so I smile and wave back.. but didn't roll down the window.. why?? Cause I was thinkin about you-know-who...

    Kill me now. You guys are the only ones who know about this btw... everyone else who asks I just play it off and say I don't want anything to do with her.. so don't tell anyone now okay!!!

  13. #13
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    Los Angeles
    I won't tell anyone, but only because I am still wanting to know what it is the girls are checking out.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    this is kinda akward now.

    well me and the whole family , house and ex cannot see each other anymore (her side ) . i went over to her place (her father invited me to come over so he could pass me some financial books) and apparently she told him a bunch of shit about me , and he of course would believe his daughter (the little slut now) more than me . so he told me not to ever come back again in a very nice and gentle way (that guy REALLY used to like me , he really wanted us to get married)

    so basically i hate the bit ch now and i cant stand her family and even the disgusting thought of her . she is a liar a cheater and a dirty whore . i despise her and i hope karma pays her back 10x worst for what she did to me . and i will see her in a month from now (graduation day) .

    so should i ignore her or should i be friendly ? i know i will never like her ever again . i feel like getting back at her , but thats just stupid so ill let life do its job .... its job: life is a bit ch , when you least expect it , life just comes around and kicks you in the balls for no apparent reason but to piss you off.

  15. #15
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    Be the bigger person.

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