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Thread: Things Complicated Women Should Think About More

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Georgia, USA

    Things Complicated Women Should Think About More

    In affairs of the heart, if the quality of a person’s character alone isn’t enough to win you over, then what are you really after?

    Not being sure of what you want can be a wonderful justification for doing or not doing anything you want. That's why ignorance of the law is no excuse.

    Ignorance is bliss. On the other hand, denial is never a wonderful thing.

    Speak less. Say more.

    It's not how the sex is packaged that matters. It's the sex that's in the package which does.

    Respect someone's position only as long as it doesn't make you disrespect yours.

    Never submit to will. Always surrender to love.

    Do not give love where you are not loved. Do not take love where you are not loving.

    Don't count on or ask friends to support or comfort you in any way you until you've told them all of what they don't know about you. They love only what they can see of you. What they don't see and what you haven't told them could make a difference.

    Doubts are the vehicles that carry you along in the journey you're on. You can transfer from one doubt to another as if they are little busses going here and there within you and, like a tourist, take wonderful snapshots of the magnificent landscape that is you. Whether you ride with your doubts or let them run over you is up to you.

    Most people don’t really want to know who they are or go through the work of choosing who they become. They’d rather be told who they are by how others regard them and what they appear to be doing.

    What you think it is isn't always what it is. What you believe it is doesn't make it so.

    Whenever you worry about what you're doing with yourself, remember; it's always only you just thinking about you. Trust your conclusions accordingly.

    A coin with two sides is a good metaphor, but the wine glass is a better one. Upright, it is open and receives. Upside-down, it is closed and doesn't. One thing. Two aspects. A little like hurt and anger.

    It's not that men can't read between your lines, sense your moods or take your hints. It's just that they don't want to made to all the time. It makes them nervous about their own capabilities and suspicious of why you keep them guessing. An occasional nod in that direction is always nice, though. It lets you know they're paying attention. Just like being direct and clear with them lets them know you are, too.

    If you feel it but don't say it, you're lying. If you say it but don't feel it, you're also lying. The only question is, who are you lying to?
    Whether he tells you so or not, he likes it when you call him for no particular reason and have nothing to say. He believes it means you're reassuring yourself he's still there for you. Don't disillusion him if you just misdialed. Not right away, anyway.

    Once you find out what a person is really going through, you’ll be amazed at how well they're doing.
    Last edited by whaywardj; 10-06-05 at 04:52 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Where you live
    and only women should know this???
    "Ogres are like onions."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Los Angeles
    I see a couple that would seem to apply more to men, but I won't point them out or OV will be hunting me down for an ass-kicking.

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