It is curious that one's FIRST memory of something new is never actually the same as how we remember it "after a while'... For example I still remember when I first learned how to drive a car... I was unpleasantly surprised that unlike in a driving simulator like GT5, Midtown Maddness, etc you have to gently ease off the brakes as the car comes to a full stop otherwise the car will "blowback"... or just how darn SENSITIVE the accelerator gas pedal was... etc etc etc but these are things that as we learn to drive we "forget" or adapt to and hardly even notice it anymore.....
I've never been kissed before and never kissed a girl and I just would like to know from guys who can still actually remember the unique and distinctive memory and imprint of the very first time they kissed a girl (especially if it was a very pleasant kiss that exceeded your expectations of what they had imagined a kiss would be like... etc) if you can convey to the best of your ability what it felt like so I can imagine it vicariously?