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Thread: maybe or crazy? please help :(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    maybe or crazy? please help :(

    ive known this girl for about 3 years now and weve been friends the whole time she moved to germany to do some schooling over there, shes been gone for a year now and she comes back mid july we have been talking and been getting closer recently when she gets back we plan on going to a baseball game and go to a couple parties, i sorta seen her as more then a friend when we first met but she was so cool and down to earth i actually became friends with her, she lives about 3 houses down so it was also easy to hang out, but lately ive noticed that ive been a little more excited to hear from her then usual, and i found myself thinking of her while im at work, and even today at my ball game, what does this mean, does this mean ive fallen for her? im in a small band just acoustic mainly and i was thinking about writing a song about her but not really telling her that its about her, im confused i think i might have fallen for one of my good friends...please help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    South Africa
    Only you can tell if thats the case....
    do you get excited when you see her calling/texting ect.
    You feel you just want to be around her
    She's on the top of your priority list.
    You try making her feel special, maybe try to hide it but really want to.
    You day dream about what it would be like to be with her.

    Come on can't be that hard to know if you have acrush on some one... I think you know but are looking to hear that YES it is so and YES it's okay to feel this way.

    So now i'm telling you... yes.... yes.... yes its ok and make it known to her, gently and indirectly if you not the 'confident' type.

    Tell her you missed her, cant wait for her to come home make her see how much she means to you....

    Good Luck working through your feelings and who knows she might feel the same esp seeing that you two have so much in common.

    Don't live in regret and end up wondering "what if"
    Live your life to the fullest and let the regrets of today be lessons for tomorrow

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