There were irritations which bubbled over. She made no effort with my friends. She wouldn't visit my family who were very welcoming of her. She didn't want to do anything other than watch TV and go to the cinema.
And.... you want to be with her, why? Chances are extremely high that the minute she has someone steady again she will revert back to her sloth-like demenour.
Dude: No contact is for aiding you to move on and get over the habit of being in each other's life. It's not a strategy to get someone back (contrary to popular believe due to some jerkoff trying to sell his E-book).
Time to accept that it's over. Do some of that travelling you wanted to do with friends, Be an interesting person and you will find that woman will find you of interest. There is definately someone who is more compatible with you in general. Give up your habit called "old girlfriend" and pick up something new to occupy your time.
P.s. Your desperate pleadings are very unattractive. Particularily since she's spelled in out clear and plain that she's moved on. No woman (at least no confident woman of self worth {the kind you should want to be with}) will find that charming or inviting in any which way. Remember this for future: When someone is running away from you don't chase them. Doing that just makes them more determined to get away.
Last edited by Wakeup; 07-07-11 at 01:36 AM.
“The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion