So Monday afternoon when I walk in the door I notice that my garage door and light are wide open. I start to curse my brother in law. When I glance over I saw my dinning room table had all my papers all over then I look up and realize the flat screen is gone. I walked into the house to se that my sliding glass door has been shattered. My cats are sitting there distraught the robber ransacked my whole house kitchen cabinets medicine cabinet the kids bedrooms. Left my freezer open. This has been one of the most horrible experiences of my life. We had to put the shutters up and board up all the sliders. That night it felt very erie to sleep in my own bed. The next day i felt physically exauhsted.
I am grateful that I did not walk into anything. My neighbor saw a rodeo pull into my driveway, thought about it then though it may be someone we know. My neighbors are on alert now. I am also getting and alarm.
It really sucks you know. We bust our asses everyday.
Protect yourself people! Be aware of your surroundings and if something doesn’t seem right make that call.
Good news is that im getting a new flat today. That’s the wonderful of advantage of marrying the TV repairman